
Consecutive interpreting

• during business meetings: conferences, business meetings, presentations, seminars, webinars, briefings, etc.;

• during negotiations of different level;

• during festive events, official buffets with foreign participants;

• during guided tours;

• during court processes, etc.

Also we provide services on installation and setup of conference equipment.

Minimum interpretation time is 2 hours.

Actual time of an interpreter’s work can come to non-integral number of hours. In this case cost of interpretation time shall be rounded upwards to the integral number of hours.

Interpretation time includes all time of the interpreter’s presence at the event, regardless of his/her actual workload during this time. Waiting time before the interpretation starts, lunch break, coffee-break, etc. shall also be included.

In case the event is held
outside of Minsk the time spent by the interpreter to travel from Minsk to the workplace
and back shall be paid according to interpretation tariffs.